Sunday 2 January 2011

I suck!

I know far too long and I've been avoiding exercise like it might actually do me damage.

So one of my resolutions, the one that is relevent to this blog anyway is to get back to using the wii fit again.

I need to get more active and once the weather get's better I resolve to get out there and do some walking.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

getting back into it.

And I'd gone quiet again. Just in case you thought I'd quit this exercise milarky, I've had quite a lot of illness this autumn. Very nasty headcolds which have given me a cough like one of a smoker and have ruled me out of getting up at stupid o'clock in the morning to do exercise when breathing in the first place was tough enough.

That said, I'm back on the wagon after a recent break away from work and adventures to Scotland.  So I've decided to up the intensity of what I'm doing and am doing around 20 minutes of fairly strenuous things with EA fitness plus : personal trainer. I think I've mentioned in an earlier post that it's a whole new world of hurt and doing two mornings in a row my thighs are whinging in a way which is making me walk like someone twice my age.

As with everything Perseverence is the key and now that mojo is back I need to work it some more to get the body happy to be moving again.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Easing back into things

I'm back from Dragon*Con and that means back to getting up early in order to get some exercise done.

I'm relieved that I only gained a couple of pounds whilst in the US, it could have been a hell of a lot worse.

I've not managed to get up everymorning so far because for the last week jetlag has been kicking my arse hard.  I've also been fighting a cold which has been making my tonsils flair up and then went up into my head. But this morning I was back doing step again.

The good thing is that even doing only two days out of three the weight has already started moving in a direction I'm happy with.  I've got to look at things as the big picture. I was getting quite downhearted before I went away but my body was just reacting to my menstrual cycle and not the exercise I've been doing.  One thing that the wii fit does it is does make me obsess about the directions of the graphs.  I want them to always be heading in a downward trajectory. I know from bitter previous experience that weight can reach a plateau and you have to shake things up fairly regularly. What I'm most pleased about is that over all the BMI has moved fairly decisively in the right direction. I know I've got a long way to go but I'm taking these baby steps and I'm going to get there.

Sunday 29 August 2010

A hard week,

This week has been really really hard. I've been doing the exercise, getting up at stupid o'clock to get it done and I;ve been eating sensibly and still the weight has been going the wrong way.

It was getting my down. I had no reason why this should be happening I'd even upped the intensity of the exercise. And then Friday it hit me. I got my period. I wasn't expecting it because I've got a number of health issues which mean that periods for me are not regular and don't come every 28 days they come once every six weeks if I'm lucky and it's that which has thrown me off.

It does make sense when you think about it. In addition to this I've got a bit of the lurgy going on.  So much so I nearly passed out yesterday morning. I've  taken it easy becase I'm gonig on holiday and I want to be well for that.

I'm gonna try and be healthy at D*C I owe it to myself to not go backwards.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

EA Active Personal Trainer

My boyfriend bought us the above game for when we find the wii fit plus stuff a bit easy.

Well it arrived yesterday and he had a go with it and pronounced it really rather hard.

I had already done my wii fit exercise this morning but once I'd put the bins out I decided that the pizza we had eaten for dinner needed to be worked off and so I fired up EA Active and set up a profile for myself.

And it's a lot harder, the exercises are more structured and if I'm honest its more of a faff to do with the thigh strap and the putting the nunchuck in the pouch and taking out again every other exercise.  It seems to work though and that's the important thing.

I shall update further once I've got my body into it some more.

Sunday 22 August 2010

Keep on keeping on.

My work is starting to pay its dividends.

I am somewhat proud that just doing exercise on the wii fit is helping me so much. When I started this endeavour nearly three weeks ago I was probably the joint heaviest I've ever been, I was sleeping badly and I was lethargic a lot of the time.

Since starting the activities I've found myself yearning for a daily routine, I've ended up getting up earlier and doing exercise before going to work, something I'd never thought I'd do. I'm also going to bed earlier, my ability to sleep is still shaky but I'm gradually doing something healthier because I want to.

Food wise, nothing much has changed, I'm not eating badly but I am still having chocolate and biscuits just not in the quantities seen before. I've got a positive energy from somewhere and I want to use it.

The results are also beginning to show.  I have brought my BMI down by 1. I've also lost six pounds. It seems amazing and I know I have a long way to go and a lot more to do and there's going to come a point when the wii fit isn't going to be the challenge it is now and then I'm going to have to take some steps out my front door and head to the gym or get on my bike or walk or in fact try and get running again.

There are a lot of possibilities and they are all a way off.

So I'm setting goals, lots of little goals.  The most immediate one is two loose 2lbs in the next two weeks.  The next goal beyond that is to get my bmi to 39.99 so that it's under 40. Beyond that I want to be thin enough to be able to buy clothes in fat face and manteray.

All little things, little things are achieveable.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

New start

Well after last night's negativity grumbles I decided to try something a little bit different because to be honest I'm struggling to find a regular time to attempt wii fit and it interferes with the tv watching etc etc.

My boyfriend suggesting getting up when he does to do the wii fit whilst he goes to the gym.

Ugh! I thought really don't want to be getting up at the crack of doom, I mean dawn to do that. However, I set my alarm early and gave it a go.

So seven am this morning I was doing yoga, marching, boxing and stepping.  The plus side is that in the morning weight is lower anyway and I had been quite desolate that the weight seemed to be increasing despite the fact I was being a lot more active than previously. Well considering I was doing nothing I've increased activity levels exponentially.

Also this morning my fitness piggybank turned bronze because I've broken the ten hour barrier. Woohoo!