Wednesday 15 September 2010

Easing back into things

I'm back from Dragon*Con and that means back to getting up early in order to get some exercise done.

I'm relieved that I only gained a couple of pounds whilst in the US, it could have been a hell of a lot worse.

I've not managed to get up everymorning so far because for the last week jetlag has been kicking my arse hard.  I've also been fighting a cold which has been making my tonsils flair up and then went up into my head. But this morning I was back doing step again.

The good thing is that even doing only two days out of three the weight has already started moving in a direction I'm happy with.  I've got to look at things as the big picture. I was getting quite downhearted before I went away but my body was just reacting to my menstrual cycle and not the exercise I've been doing.  One thing that the wii fit does it is does make me obsess about the directions of the graphs.  I want them to always be heading in a downward trajectory. I know from bitter previous experience that weight can reach a plateau and you have to shake things up fairly regularly. What I'm most pleased about is that over all the BMI has moved fairly decisively in the right direction. I know I've got a long way to go but I'm taking these baby steps and I'm going to get there.