Sunday 22 August 2010

Keep on keeping on.

My work is starting to pay its dividends.

I am somewhat proud that just doing exercise on the wii fit is helping me so much. When I started this endeavour nearly three weeks ago I was probably the joint heaviest I've ever been, I was sleeping badly and I was lethargic a lot of the time.

Since starting the activities I've found myself yearning for a daily routine, I've ended up getting up earlier and doing exercise before going to work, something I'd never thought I'd do. I'm also going to bed earlier, my ability to sleep is still shaky but I'm gradually doing something healthier because I want to.

Food wise, nothing much has changed, I'm not eating badly but I am still having chocolate and biscuits just not in the quantities seen before. I've got a positive energy from somewhere and I want to use it.

The results are also beginning to show.  I have brought my BMI down by 1. I've also lost six pounds. It seems amazing and I know I have a long way to go and a lot more to do and there's going to come a point when the wii fit isn't going to be the challenge it is now and then I'm going to have to take some steps out my front door and head to the gym or get on my bike or walk or in fact try and get running again.

There are a lot of possibilities and they are all a way off.

So I'm setting goals, lots of little goals.  The most immediate one is two loose 2lbs in the next two weeks.  The next goal beyond that is to get my bmi to 39.99 so that it's under 40. Beyond that I want to be thin enough to be able to buy clothes in fat face and manteray.

All little things, little things are achieveable.

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